Last Days Prophetic Training College
42450 12th Street West, Suite 103
Lancaster, CA 93534
United States of America
School of Biblical Studies
Establishing basic Bible principles to become mature children of God.
School of End Times Army
Raising up a company of warriors, equipped with the spiritual know-how of warfare.
School of End Times Studies
Equipping you with the knowledge and about the end-times as you live in it.
School of Prophetic Pastor
Rise up as a Prophetic Pastors who will shepherd the church based on biblical patterns for the last days.
School of Prophets
Preparing the way of the Lord by prophesying to peoples, nations, tongues and kings.
School of Prophetic Evangelism
Transforming you to become prophetic evangelists who will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
School of The Spirit
Have a firm biblical foundation of things of the Spirit to walk with God in the Spirit realm.
School of Prayer
To teach, equip and train believers/ministers to have a firm biblical and revelational foundation of Prayer so that they can learn to walk and talk with God through an intimate relationship.